Jumat, 02 November 2018

Pernikahan Maia Estianty dan Kebahagiaan Netizen

Gue bukan Lambe Turah.. tapi gue mau mengulas fenomena menarik di social media, dimana pernikahan Maia Estianty disambut dengan gegap gempita oleh segenap netizen.

Banyak sekali netizen yang menuliskan di kolom comment di IG Maia “Kenapa Maia yg nikah gue yg bahagia, ya?”

Flash back beberapa tahun lalu, ada teman yg punya hasil survei media dari lembaga survei ternama yang mengatakan bahwa terbitan yang paling banyak pembacanya  (bukan terbanyak oplahnya ya, karena 1 oplah bisa jadi dibaca lebih dari 1 orang), adalah Majalah HIDAYAH.

Kesimpulan teman itu, ternyata banyak di masyarakat yang mengharapkan bahwa 'Kejahatan yang tidak terbalaskan oleh manusia akan dibalas oleh Tuhan'.

Pembaca HIDAYAH ini beragam usia dan latar belakang Sosial Ekonomi. Dan 1 majalah dibaca oleh banyak orang. Kebetulan kantor redaksinya di Kompleks sini, dan konon pemiliknya adalah orang Malaysia.

Yang menarik, ilustrasi dan cerita di kisah2 HIDAYAH ini seram dan jelas bukan untuk konsumsi anak2. Tapi belakangan justru diangkat ke televisi dg judul bernuansa 'azab'. Misalnya mandor jahat mati mayatnya masuk ke mesin giling semen, lengkap dengan visualisasinya yang mengundang orang utk mengucap “MashaAllah” dan “Astaghfirullah”.

Nah.. kembali ke dunia keartisan.. kita tahu satu dekade silam, AD menceraikan ME setelah berselingkuh sampai menghamili MJ, pasangan duet ME istrinya.

Tidak cukup dg itu, hak asuh semua anak2nya dirampas dr sang ibu, meninggalkan ME dalam keterpurukan.

Saat itu, ada 1 teman yg merupakan teman SD ME di Sekolah Dasar Katolik YG  di Surabaya yang mengatakan... “Keluarga Maia itu educated dan terpandang. Ayahnya Rektor, kakek buyutnya HOS Tjokroaminoto. Waktu awal mau nikah dg AD juga udh ditentang keluarga, tapi mungkin karena sudah kadung cinta, dan ME orangnya berkemauan keras, maka tetap menikah dg pilihannya”.

Maka saat mantan suami yg sekarang hidupnya awur2an karena terjun ke politik (yg hasilnya semi nyungsep), dan riwa riwi sama selingkuhannya yg cuma sekedar di nikah siri tapi katanya skg sudah hijrah, sedangkan ME meroket.. orang merasa ... bahwa ini adalah akhir episode HIDAYAH yang mereka tunggu2.

Bahwa yang direndahkan manusia akan ditinggikan Tuhan dan yang sebaliknya.

Demikian ulasan lambeku ...
Bagaimana menurut lambemu... ?


Minggu, 16 September 2018

Crazy Rich Asian

I watched Crazy Rich Asians today with J and the kids.

Although I found this movie amusing and entertaining, as a 3rd generation chinese descendant who was brought up in a big (i mean BIG) family, I can relate to this story so much.

I remember my younger year, where I lived with my Ama and Akung (GrandMa and GrandPa from my father's side) along with my Aunts and Uncles in 1 house, before My Grandparents buy another house 2 doors away from our house.

I remember my Grandpa Rolex with foggy glass and glasses so confex it makes your eyes hurt.

And my Ama... my Ama is the strongest figure in my Dad's family. My Akung is a quiet man who used to walk my brother for afternoon stroll and send me off to school while he is on his way to market to buy fishes to make hiewan for us.

My Uncles and Aunts all bows to my Ama. And I am her favorit granddaughter, as I spent my childhood sleeping with her among her snoring. There she would told me not to married a westerner nor people from another island and stereotyping them.

My Mom, and my Uncle's wives would eventually take turns confessing to me how life is tough for them under my Ama apprentice. The newest member will receive harshest treatment, which will lessen with time as you bear children [preferably son], who bear my Akung family name.

I learned how important a son is for any daughter-in-law to secure position as preferred family member in my Ama eyes.

And how she played mahjong with her elderly friends, some of whom still have their feet bounded.

Then there's this story about struggle to achieve higher economy status in life. How they have to be savvy to survive with 9 kids [my father being the eldest].

My Dad eventually moved out to a new house by the time I was in my 11th grade. I only stayed in that house for 1 year before I went for my university degree in US [no, not Calstate Fullerton]. And my time with my BIG family became a distance memory.

But when J came to Sby before my Ama passed away, she always said that I was the cruel one. 🤣🤣 dunno why she said that. May be I unintentionally hurt her with something I did.

Then this movie .....

Crazy Rich Asians is not only about money and power. It's about the matriarchal power inside the patriarchal social frame, of Ama that everyone considered as 慈禧太后 [the Empress Dowager Cixi] from the Qing Dynasty.

It's about the burden of expectation being the son that will inherit the throne of the family power.

It depicts beautifully about mother|daughter love hate relationship which at the end shows that motherly live prevails when all other love ends (which makes me cry so hard holding on to my girl's hand).

It's about how hard educated woman is appreciated in traditional chinese family because you are expected to do 3M [macak, masak manak], until there's a popular saying, why should one need to go to university if you only end up in the kitchen [and in bed].

It's about beautiful female friendship, who offer silent hug or just a shoulder to cry on like what Peik Lin to Rachel, or Rachel to Astrid. Just silently be there. Without judging. Something that is so difficult to find nowadays.

But most of all, it is about finding your own destiny, and fighting for what tour heart long for...

And I end the day by wishing my Uncle and Aunts & cousins in HongKong, safety from Mangkhut Typhoon.

Disclaimer: We are not the Crazy Rich Chinese Surabayans that was described by the viral posts. But rest assure I knew people who did exactly that. 😂

Cibubur, 16 September 2018