Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015

Life as Yogini

On our recent holiday to Lombok,  we met a Caucasian yogini on the way to Bukit Seger on Mandalika beach,  next to Novotel private beach,  where we stayed.  She did her routines in a relaxed and comfortable way as I struggled to reach the top of Bukit Seger to watch sunset.

On my way back to the hotel,  I found out that my mom-in-law was conversing with her,  asking few things in mixed language between my mom broken English and her broken Indonesian.  And she turns out to be the instructor for Hatha Yoga class in Novotel Lombok.

So we met again at her dream class...  Why would I said dream class?  Because the little hut is located right by the beach.  Facing the sea..  No music needed..  Just the sound of the crashing wind..

Every morning,  from our breakfast table,  we watched her walking across the sandy square bhind the rows of cottages to her beach-front hut.  Then she diligently sweeping the floor and rolling out mats before each class.

In that class,  she guides us to be aware and feel connection to our body.  And while keeping our breathing in a smooth and relaxed manner,  she urged us to be thankful for our own feeble body...

Honestly I never feel so thankful for all aspects of my life in a short hour.  There always be things to regret and to fix.  But in this short session,  I thank God for my oversized (yet keep growing)  body,  to the pain in my left biceps,  my bulging tummy,  and my little legs that sometimes too tired to hold my huge body.  Thank God for His grace that our holiday went as planned,  even without flight delay.  To the opportunity we're given to enjoy the beauty of my own country..

I later found that Charlotte,  the yogini was from a smalltown in Michigan, and has been 1.5 yrs in Novotel and spent several years in Australia prior to Indonesia.

She said she misses her parents so much and hope that they can one day have chance to visit her in Lombok,  and see all the beauty that surrounds her.

May we can continue be thankful of what we are and may soon,  our yogini is united with her parents... 

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