In the light of religious hatred and the attack of Charlie Hebdo satiric magazine, I ponder what makes human became inhumane?
From the ancient time, human was raised with violence. Starting from men fighting (and killing) for food, land, sometimes women. (Yes, we still saw this in juvenile brawls claiming a girl to be their rightful girlfriend - although I think they are not merely fighting for the girl of their dream, but moreover to defend their pride and dignity of a man, which, to my opinion, will yield opposite reaction to the outside viewers).
If we saw history, almost all wars are about fighting for food, land, women. And usually these 3 reasons are juxtaposing with each other. Because in ancient time after human knows farming, land equals to food. And known women in the history are worth fighting for because they hold the symbol of legality of Kingdom. For example: Cleopatra and Ken Dedes.
In the modern world, we saw that there's a new cause of conflicts, money. Because after we know currency, money is tradable for food, land, and (sometimes) women.
Now, another cause of conflicts, that is religious belief or personal belief. Martyrs or 'mati syahid' is believed to be a shortcut to heaven when you defend your beliefs or religions.
Now is those people who claims that they're Martyrs or 'mati syahid' are really truly exercise their (religious) belief and nothing else?
When men (including Catholic Church) banished all women who have skills as 'witches' in the ancient time (for their ability to cure, or to plant, or to persuade people) is it really God that they defend? Is it not the fear of losing followers which then decrease the number of offerings from the followers thus decrease in money received? We know that the papacy and Catholic Church hierarchy are men's world. Thank God the Dark Ages for Catholic Church are (in most part of the world and most of the time) over.
When Indonesian quick-judging that the everlasting conflict between Israel and Palestine is religious war, the Palestinian themselves know that this is the fight for freedom, the fight for land.
When there's a commotion in Ketapang, Jakarta Barat late 1998, where some churches are burnt down by some Moslems, turns out that the Root cause is 'rebutan lapak parkir' between geng Betawi (who happen to be moslems) and geng Ambon (who happen to be christians). And we all know the Root cause of rebutan lapak parkir is of course, money.
Now, in Charlie Hebdo case, they soon found that the murderer are drinking alcohol, sleep with women, which is not a sign of a true Moslem. But they are Moslem in their identity card anyway. Just like ours 'Islam KTP'. And they are descendant of Moslem immigrants that had been marginalized all their life and make a living by delivering pizza. Not a stable job. Then may be, just may be, it's not (only) about (defending) religious beliefs at all. This might be a pent-up frustration of the France system that kept immigrants at the bay of modernity and economic development. May be.
One thing I know now for sure, it's tougher for poor people to be martyrs than rich corruptors to be called saints.
Sad but true.....
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