Senin, 25 Juli 2011

A Letter from a Friend... a wake up call

We were initially responding to RK's status in FB that read like this:
Been listening to RI's Masterplan of Acceleration of Economic Growth so many times, it looks damn good on paper, made by high paid management consultants. But how we can achieve it without investing in good education for our kids? Who's gonna run the World's Top 7 economy in 2045. They will.
And then comes this letter from Cindy, a long time friend, a woman of faith-love-and-hope. A devoted housewife and mother of 3 fabulous children, regarding 'small charity activities' that she has been doing and why she started it. 

I posted this here because I want to absorb her energy, her idealism, her bravery to take the first steps regardless lots of skeptism that we often received from the inner-circle. So here's the full letter:

RK, Sien, thanks for your willingness to take part in this. Terharu nih jadinya.

It’s been always my dream, to help with education in Indonesia. Mostly in the remote and under developed area. During college year gua liat rumah singgah, buat anak2 jalanan. Biasa bolak balik ke panti asuhan bawain snack. Waktu gua baca Laskar Pelangi, for months I was mad and upset, and glad that finally someone put it in writing. Kenapa Lintang harus putus sekolah ?! Walaupun ini termasuk buku fiction, yet he is so real. Dan masih banyak Lintang yg lain di Indo. Yang harus putus sekolah bukan cuma karena ga bisa bayar tuition, tp krn harus kerja untuk support his/her family. 

Mau marah juga rasanya kalo denger si anu bikin pesta kawin anaknya sampe milyaran. Mama si anu bikin baju pesta 100 juta. I just cannot fathom, baju 100 juta kaya apa dan dari apa ? Kalo bajunya 50 juta aja masih bagus kali ya ? dan the other 50 juta bisa feed 50 families for a whole month ! Itu baju cuma dipake sekali doang. Those money can be used for something else that will change someone’s life !

Unfortunately gua jauh di sini. As of now, I am relying on my Mom to help me reach out to the kids/families in need. 

I have some foster kids. Satu anak pembantu. 2 anak sopir gereja. Pernah ada anak tetangga juga. Satu lagi I have in Guatemala, tp itu lewat foundation. 

My immediate goal is to have those kids finish elementary. Gua pikir, asal lulus SD aja tu anak udah bisa baca tulis ngitung. Mendingan ga buta huruf kaya ortunya. If possible, gua terusin bayarin SMP. Tp biasanya anak SMP di kampung udah dianggap gede, udah bisa disuru kerja dan bantuin nyari duit. So it becomes less crucial for financial help. But they still do need help.

Another drawback of being so far away, gua jd ga sempet nyari candidates. Not that there’s not enough poor kids, tp gua pengen tau jg latar belakang keluarganya. Anak2 yg kita bantu biasanya ga 100%, krn kita pengen ortunya build some sense of responsibility also. My funding will help them, but they still have to contribute to their own kids’ education. That way I am trying to make sure kalo duit yg dikasih beneran dipake buat sekolah. Tiap tahun ajaran baru, biasanya kita kasih lebih buat beli buku. Or kita beliin buku pelajaran, alat tulis, dll sekalian. 

Syaratnya cuma 1, si anak harus naik kelas. Kalo ga naik, dana di stop sampe dia naik (1 year). Untungnya ga ada yg ga naik kelas.. hahaha. Kalo engga pusing jg gua. I only need the copy of their report card. That way I know their position in class and how they’re doing in school. Keliatan kalo ada ga masuk, dll. Being a foster kid kinda give them extra boost. They feel special krn ada orang yg mau perhatiin dan bayarin sekolahnya. It gives them more motivation I guess.

Sien, you know my house. I grew up in kampong, and I love it. Banyak sekolah kampung, yg kalo kita mau reach out, pasti banyak anak2 yg perlu dibantu. I grew up among my neighbors and know their struggles.

Long term, kalo fundingnya ada, gua pengen adopt a school kalo bisa. Krn for sure, dana dari pemerintah yang banyak disunat sana sini ga bakal cukup buat pendidikan. Gua pengen bisa ngasih mereka buku2. Bukan cuma buku pelajaran, tp jg buku pengetahuan. For this, I have a friend who’s doing a book donations. Terakhir gua denger mrk mulai buka perpustakaan di daerah2 yg rada terpencil. We can ask for her help providing some books.

If we can do one school at a time, that will be great. Ngomong sama gurunya apa aja yg diperlukan tp ga dapet dari pemerintah, ada berapa anak2 yg ortunya beneran ga mampu and struggling to keep their kids in school. How about their library ? etc. This way we can also monitor their progress.

In a long run, my wildest dream, is to build a free school. Krn gua pikir gimana negara mau maju, kalo rakyatnya bodoh. Gimana negara mau tenang, kalo rakyatnya gampang dikomporin. And we have to start somewhere. For those many poor kids that cannot afford education, but longing for knowledge, I want to bring them the ‘school’. Terlalu banyak daerah yang tidak dijangkau oleh sistem, dan ga bakal bisa berkembang kalo anak2nya ga dipersiapkan untuk create a better life. Ga usah gedung mewah, gubuk juga ga apa2 asal anak2 bisa belajar dan guru bisa ngajar. Belajar di bawah pohon juga ga apa2 kalo emang materi yg harus diberikan itu sampe BR always mock me about this idea. Terlalu idealis kayaknya buat dia. Dia bilang siapa yg mau bayar gurunya ? Siapa yg mau biayain gedungnya ? I just told him maybe one day I win a lottery... hahaha...  But I believe there will be people who are willing to donate something, some of their fortune, to help the children in need. So when you mentioned that you are interested with this idea, gua ngerasa kaya baru dikirimin angels from heaven ! That this might be not just crazy thought, that we can actually make it happen.

Di sini mulai banyak homeschooling. Di Indo jg mustinya bisa. Kalo kita ga bisa masuk ke system pendidikan (terlalu rumit/mahal), kita cukup cari 1-2 guru, pake sistem montesori + homeschool, dan ajarin anak2 itu baca tulis ngitung. Mrk mungkin ga bisa ikut ujian/dapet ijazah. But if they are smart enough, they can create their own business and make their own income. Ga ada yg bakal minta ijazah kalo mrk mau buka bengkel sendiri atau dagang kelontong. But they will be smart enough jd ga bakal ditipuin orang melulu and better managed their life. Kalo mau jadi petani jg mrk bakal punya knowledge and know where to find information when they need it. If I can change one life, I’ll be thrilled ! 

I am in the process of putting one kid to high school. Mudah2an dia bisa lulus dan dapet kerja yg lbh baik dibanding ibunya yg buta huruf, bapaknya yg bodo, dan kakaknya yg cuma bisa cuci kereta krn cuma lulus smp. I hope he can bring a better life for his family.

As of now, gua ada 2 anak yg ortunya baru aja separated. Mamanya di abuse dan diusir dari rumah, dan sekarang tinggal sama orang, 1 anak ikut dia, 1 anak dibawa anaknya yg paling besar yg baru married. Bapaknya jg sekarang ada di kota lain jualan kelinci (kalo ga salah denger). Not sure which grade they are in. But if you want, I think you can help them. Kita biasanya kasih $10/mo/kid. Tergantung sekolahnya, bisa lebih, bisa kurang. But it sure help them cover most of the basic tuition. I just want to make sure the kids stay in school.

Wah, udah panjang. Gini nih resikonya kalo ngomong ttg passion..hahaha.

Thanks again for your interest in this subject. We can brainstorm and work together to make this happen.


Matius 25:40 Dan Raja itu akan menjawab mereka: Aku berkata kepadamu, sesungguhnya segala sesuatu yang kamu lakukan untuk salah seorang dari saudara-Ku yang paling hina ini, kamu telah melakukannya untuk Aku.